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A contact list for staff at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation, including the DynaTheater and NatureWorks store, is available here.

Office of the Director
Anthony R. Fiorillo, Ph.D. Executive Director (505) 841-2841
Shannon Bay Deputy Director (505) 841-2800
Kim Gilbert Board Liaison & Events Coordinator (505) 841-2807
Rachel Veracka Director of Visitor Experience (505) 841-2810
Brian Grace Registrar (505) 841-2857
Research and Collections
Jason Malaney, Ph.D. Bio Science Curator (505)841-2887
Lindsey Frederick BioScience Collections Manager (505) 841-2867
Justy Alicea Head Fossil Preparator and Lab Manager (505) 841-2842
Nicole Volden Geoscience Collections Manager (505) 841-2843
Gary Morgan Paleontology Curator (505) 841-2868
Tom Williamson, Ph.D. Paleontology Curator (505) 841-2835
Spencer Lucas, Ph.D. Paleontology Curator (505) 841-2873
Larry Crumpler, Ph.D. Research Curator (505) 841-2874
Public Information
Stephen Hamway Public Information Officer (505) 412-3758
Space Science Department
Jim Greenhouse Space Science Director (505) 252-6541
Geoff Skelton Planetarium Technician (505) 235-9972
Education Department
Stephanie Lukowski Director of Education (505)537-0001
Chinara Lucero Outreach Coordinator (505)895-0304
Jayne Aubele Adult Programs Educator (505) 841-2840
Amy Pilling Naturalist Center Supervisor (505) 841-2853
Sioux Rivera Youth and School Programs Educator (505) 328-9439
Vanessa Apodaca Volunteer Coordinator (505) 697-9923
Sandia Mountain Natural History Center
Paul Mauermann Director of the Sandia Mountain Natural History Center (505) 281-5259
Tobias Archuleta Custodian (505) 281-5259
Fiana Shapiro SMNHC Educator (505) 281-5259
Susanna Sprague-Harris SMNHC Educator (505) 281-5259
Vince Case APS Educator (505) 281-5259
Steven Henley APS Educator (505) 281-5259
Custodial Department
Frank Little Custodial Supervisor (505) 841-2855
Sharon Christ Custodian (505)841-2855
Kyle Rickert Custodian (505)841-2855
Vacant Custodian (505)841-2855
vacant Custodian (505)841-2855
Security Department
Jesse Sanchez Security Guard Supervisor (505) 420-7381
Vacant Security Guard Supervisor (505) 220-7282
Chris Alvarado Security Officer (505) 841-2829
Martin Lobato Security Officer (505) 841-2829
James Recer Security Officer (505) 841-2829
Sandra Hewitt Security Officer (505) 841-2829
Gil Romero Security Officer (505) 841-2829
Domonic Casaus Security Officer (505) 841-2829
Tovah Perez Security Officer (505) 841-2829
Connor Smith Security Officer (505) 841-2829
William Ryan Wharton Security Officer (505) 841-2829
Matt Celeskey Curator of Exhibits (505) 841-2814
Pedro Toledo Exhibit Fabricator (505) 841-5961
Joey Martinez Exhibit Maintenance (505) 841-2834
Jason Milligan Exhibits Painter (505)841-2832
Robert "Andy" Romero Exhibit Designer (505) 841-2806
Alaina Wiwi Exhibit Designer (505) 841-2858
Sarah Whaley Exhibit Designer (505) 841-2870
Dan Secrist Exhibit Fabricator (505)841-2860
Finance Department
Mia Cowan Director of Finance (505) 841-2813
Adriella Alvarado Account Auditor (505) 841-5972
August Wainwright Accounts Payable & Receivable (505) 841-2861
Visitor Experience Department/Admissions
Miguel Lucero Admissions Supervisor (505) 841-2875
Lisa Cousins Customer Service Representative (505) 841-2869
Evelyn Archuleta Customer Service Representative (505)841-2869
Estee Renay Lohrman Customer Service Representative (505)841-2869
Clare Harmon Group Reservations Coordinator (505)841-5953
Information Technology
Aaron Boggs IT Systems Administrator (505)360-9735
Patrick Correa IT Systems Administrator (505)206-7971
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