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Over the years, STEM Advocate and Educator, Dr. Darryl Baynes has created an entertaining formula for successfully communicating to students the relevance and importance of pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering, and math. MAEA, or the Minority Aviation Education Association, is the largest science and math outreach company in the nation owned and operated by African Americans.

View these free programs (videos) on this page.

Kits are loaned for a two-week period.
There is no cost for loan, but borrower must be able to pick up and return kit. Please e-mail in advance to be sure a kit is available.

This Guide is a resource book of background information, activities and curriculum suggestions to help all educators teach others (Kindergarten through 12th grade students) about the bosque. The Guide is a newly released major revision of the popular curriculum to teach about the Middle Rio Grande Valley ecosystem. The new edition is 621 pages and has activities for elementary through high school students. Click on the chapters below to find PDF downloads of selected content and activities.

Contains bilingual resource books of background information, activities, and curriculum suggestions to help all educators teach others (Kindergarten through 12th grade students) about a variety of science topics. Find lesson plans, activities, and experiments for your classroom.


This section contains material for families, children, and life long learners such as brief guides, coloring sheets, and virtual resources.

This section includes materials for teachers and educators and align with Next Generation Science Standards.  Also included in this section are continuing education opportunities for educators.

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