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The Bosque Education Guide Workshop

Rio Grande Nature Center is located at 2901 Candelaria NW, Albuquerque 87104

Friday, January 3rd, 2025

8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.  

Location: Rio Grande Nature Center State Park


The Bosque Education Guide is an interdisciplinary curriculum about the Middle Rio Grande Valley ecosystem. The curriculum provides classroom-based and field activities for students grades K-12. For the central activity, students construct a model of the Middle Rio Grande and then manipulate the paper and cloth pieces to demonstrate human impacts over the last two hundred years. Later, they "restore" the ecosystem. The curriculum is downloadable on the website:

Newly updated activities include Next Generation Science Standards/NM STEM Ready! Science Standards.


Features of the Bosque Education Guide curriculum 

  • Over 700 pages of K-12 activities; many now NM STEM Ready!/NGSS designed
  • Spanish materials available for download 
  • Background and appendices for teachers 
  • Suggestions for service learning in the bosque 
  • Topics include: 
    • Field Activities
    • The geology of the valley, surface and groundwater 
    • Demands on the river’s water budget 
    • Flora & fauna of the valley 
    • Natural history & human influence 
    • Fire in the bosque 
    • Energy and matter in ecosystems
    • Bird migration 

Workshop information/Registration 
Workshop activities will occur indoors and outdoors. All public health orders at the time will be followed. Participants should dress in comfortable clothing for the weather that day, good walking shoes, a hat, and sunscreen. Bring a sack lunch and water bottle. 

Workshop fee: $25 includes curriculum and binder (700+ pages), laminated kit, expert facilitator guides and refreshments. Registration:

Refund Policy: Registration is refundable up to one-week prior to the workshop.

Rio Grande Nature Center is located at 2901 Candelaria NW, Albuquerque

It is west of Rio Grande Blvd; at the end of Candelaria turn right into the RGNC. We will be meeting in the Education Building on your right/east as you enter.
Questions: Tish Morris or Karen Herzenberg at RGNC 505-344-7240;


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